The chemist and the painter would probably disagree on most things in life. But merging art and science for the sake of music can sometimes create the best of both worlds. Especially if you ask Jim Finn, keyboardist and vocalist of the Australian dance-rock actArt vs. Science.

“We like the idea that the duality of art and science exists in all of us,” Finn tells Spinner. “When you’re creating something as an artist or a musician you’re drawing on influences from the past. There’s also the scientific part of writing with grammar and song structure, but there’s always the unknown that comes out of nowhere, which is the combination.”

The band, made up of Finn, Dan McNamee and Dan Williams, met at an all-boys school in Sydney. It wasn’t so much art or science as it was death and circumstance that helped the band discover their signature jangly sound via an old keyboard that a band member’s uncle left after his passing.

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