Breaking news from Activision today as, after much personal speculation, DJ Hero 2 has been announced for an early Fall 2010 release!

It does not look like much will change in terms of the general formula, but the story mode will be ramped up a bit. Instead of simply becoming a superstar dj, your goal is now to become a Jay Z-esque music industry maven. Says Activision, ” In Empire Mode, players will start out as an up-and-coming DJ on the road to becoming the head of a major entertainment empire, all of which is founded solely on their success as a DJ.”

The title promises more club anthems from “the biggest” artists in pop, dance and hip hop including Dr. Dre, The Chemical Brothers, Kanye West, Metallica, Lady Gaga, Rihanna and over 85 others, for a total of 70 mash-ups.

The new game will come in an optional party pack that includes two turntables and a microphone which allows you to sing and rap over the tracks. Activision also promises to beef up the interface with actual versus battles rather than the rather weak, slightly competitive co-op mode, seen in the original game.

Starting today, XBL and PSN members can download a free mash-up of Deadmau5’s”Ghosts n Stuff” mixed with Gaga’s “Just Dance”! And, yes,Deadmau5 will be available as an in-game playable character.

For further information, check out the DJ Hero site its self.

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