
The Dodo’s played to a full house last Thursday at Lee’s palace.  If success is determined by ticket sales, then The Dodos are far from extinction.

The Dodo’s are well known for their dynamic and innovative syncopation.  Logan Kroeber played on a drum kit without a bass drum, hitting mostly on the rims of the drums, and with a tambourine taped to his shoe. Also present on tour was Keaton Snyder on the vibes (vibraphone) using the sophisticated jazz-man four-mallet style, which doubled as an electro-acoustic sounding board. At times as he strummed the front side of device emitting an eerie violin-like sound. Frontman, Meric Long, playing a plain old boring acoustic guitar didn’t seem to feel left out as he had a few tricks up his sleeve, like pedals which he manipulated on hands and knees during certain songs.

Musically, the set could be described as volatile indie pop with  folk/blue-grass influences with most of the hits from ‘Visiter’ being played and some from the less popular, ‘Time To Die’ thrown in for good measure. That being said, The Dodo’s still bared their beaks claws in the last 15 minutes in a cacophonous, post-rock/noise rendition of ‘Joe’s Waltz’ that could even put No Age to shame.  It was a truly cathartic moment which left Meric with a broken guitar string dangling from the neck like a dynamite fuse waiting to be lit.

The epic finale performance made up in droves for the incredibly lame lights off, glow stick driven number halfway through.   Glowsticks strapped to instruments might work for fratboys in middle America, but, no, sorry, not in Toronto, I don’t think so.

If you haven’t come across The Dodos yet, I’d like to suggest the following songs from the Visiter album.


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