Three signs that you are going to see a good show.  a) customers forking over wads of cash and weed to scalpers to get in.  2) women in line asking if you are on the guest list, BEGGING to let them in with you c) dudes getting kicked out AT the door, trying to con their way in with fake, or already ripped tickets.  Yes, this was the madness that I faced as I entered the  Phoenix this balmy summer eve.  Not to mention the shenanigans  of local celebrity homeless crack-head/aspiring mayoral candidate, Kevin Clark who claimed to take ownership of his farts, demanding we pay him for having eaten/inhaled them..errr yahhh.

Brooklyn’s Amazing Baby take the stage about 20 minutes after their call time. Lead guitarist  decked in classic chunky Kurt Cobaine orange and yellow striped tee shirt and chin length dirty blonde cut with lead bassist rocking an In Utero tee, headbangin his way all through the set.  Nirvana throwbacks all the way.    Baby’s performance was won over with their most melodic songs in the repertoire.  The band is either working on perfecting live versions of the layer blending, washed-out psychedelia beautifully featured on the cd, or maybe they  felt it wasnt what the crowd was looking for, as they were, after all, opening for Phoenix, the current French kings of indie pop hooks.  Lead singer thrusted his mic stand in the air multiple times like a glorious knight saluting his king, pleasing  the audience with his catchy 70s folk meets glam rock tracks like Supreme Being,  Headdress, and Bayonets.

Speaking of the album, you can stream their entire latest release “Rewild” through their extremely friendly and awesome website/blog here, or you can check them out at myspace and get the straight goods that you would expect.

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