The Sheepdogs first flew onto my radar last March when I ducked into a room they were playing in at the Royal York Hotel during registration at Canadian Music Week 2012.  I was told that there would be free beer in said room, but it was all drank, and so I left.  The irony is delicious, but maybe not as delicious as free beer.  It’s not that I didn’t enjoy the Sheepdogs then, but I can’t say their burly country-tinged 70s rock really spoke to me any more than they do today. I applaud them for all their success and Rolling Stone cover, winnings, etc. and I appreciate that a great band needs an even better team behind them.

Last night’s show, brought to us by Canadian Club Mixed & Ready was entirely delicious and nutritious to the eyes, ears and mouths of all who attended and here’s the proof:

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