Note guitarist Jono Lee (far left) rocking Monotonix!
It was a short and blistering set delivered by the pretty boy buzz band decked in hipster-tight pants and fluorescent pink, green and yellow printed t shirts. Not that there’s anything wrong with a rock band looking pretty, as long as they are willing to get messy, which they were. All four members of the band were literally dripping with sweat a few songs in to their set. Front man Nick Johnston was even thrashing around on the ground at one point, slamming his fists on the stage throwing a mini temper tantrum, and then popping back up grappling the mic like his life depended on it.
Cut Off Your Hands have a winning sound that borrows equally from The Cure as much as contemporary pop sensations like Franz Ferdinand, or The Strokes. They are equipped with a standard four man guitar/bass/drums/vocalist set up with all members assisting in backup vocals.
Aside from wanting to be rock stars, they understand the business of pop songs, as I found myself humming their little ditties to myself unexpectedly the next morning. Their current album is called You And I, and was produced by Bernard Butler (formerly of Suede, now known for Duffy). They are from New Zealand, and no, they sound nothing like Flight Of the Conchords. Be s
ure to check out Happy As Can Be, their joyful ode to all that is joyful, posted below. It can’t not put you in a good mood :)
In terms of the show, it was good, bouncy fun, despite the stodgy old industry farts in the mid/back sections who came to take a looky. I just wished the band could have stuck around a little longer than 40 minutes. Lots of bang in there,but maybe not worth the buck.
Cut off Your Hands – Happy As Can Be